Print Provider version Print Deploy server version 1.7.2307
- Dependency update: Removed dependency on Lightbend Akka. PO-1237
- PaperCut will now allow access to the Admin UI users screen when the licenced user allowance has been exceeded. PO-1142
- Fixed an issue with PaperCut Grows integration that could lead to Grows icons not being displayed on device screens. PO-1274
Print Provider:
- CUPS Only: Fixed an issue that occurred if the papercut account’s directory was not coinciding with the PaperCut MF or NG directory, then the Print Provider backend failed to write to its log file. PIE-17
Copier / Device Integration:
- Added new on-screen numeric keypad to replace QWERTY keyboard when
ext-device.fujifilm.login.id-field.numeric is set for FujiFilm AIP 7+ devices. CDSS-1821
- Fixed an issue affecting some Xerox devices where Account Selection and Print Release displayed as empty lists. CDSS-2246
Other notes:
- Devices marked with * require installing an updated version of the embedded software to access new features and fixes.